Snolli gamelist
Zelda (19)
The legend of Zelda (1986)
Zelda II - the adventure of Link (1987)
The legend of Zelda - a link to the past (1992)
The legend of Zelda - Link's awakening (1993)
The legend of Zelda - ocarina of time (1998)
The legend of Zelda - Majora's mask (2000)
The legend of Zelda - oracle of ages (2001)
The legend of Zelda - oracle of seasons (2001)
The legend of Zelda - the windwaker (2003)
The legend of Zelda - the Minish cap (2004)
The legend of Zelda - four swords adventures (2004)
The legend of Zelda - twilight princess (2006)
The legend of Zelda - phantom hourglass (2007)
The legend of Zelda - spirit tracks (2009)
The legend of Zelda - skyward sword (2011)
The legend of Zelda - a link between worlds (2013)
The legend of Zelda - triforce heroes (2015)
The legend of Zelda - breath of the wild (2017)
The legend of Zelda - tears of the kingdom (2023)
Aventure (8)
Maniac mansion (1988)
Indiana Jones and the last crusade (1990)
Loom (1990)
The secret of Monkey Island (1990)
Gobliiins (1991)
Indiana Jones and the fate of Atlantis (1992)
Day of the tentacle (1993)
Sam & Max hit the road (1993)
Mario (17)
Donkey Kong (1981)
Super Mario bros. (1985)
Super Mario bros. 2 (1988)
Super Mario bros. 3 (1988)
Super Mario land (1989)
Super Mario world (1991)
Super Mario kart (1992)
Super Mario land 2 - 6 golden coins (1992)
Super Mario world 2 - Yoshi's island (1995)
Super Mario 64 (1997)
Mario kart double dash!! (2003)
New super Mario bros. (2006)
Super Mario galaxy (2007)
Super Mario 3D land (2011)
New super Mario bros. U (2012)
Mario kart 8 (2014)
Super Mario odyssey (2017)
Tir (5)
Wolfenstein 3D (1992)
Doom (1993)
Duke Nukem 3D (1996)
GoldenEye 007 (1997)
Quake III arena (2000)
Divers (14)
Space invaders (1978)
Pac-Man (1980)
Gradius (1985)
Rick Dangerous (1989)
Tetris (1989)
Prince of Persia (1990)
Another world (1991)
F-zero (1991)
Sim City (1989)
The lost vikings (1992)
Prince of Persia 2 - the shadow & the flame (1993)
Super bomberman 2 (1994)
Super street fighter II - the new challengers (1994)
Worms Armageddon (1999)
Projets personnels (2)
Super Mario land 5 (1999)
ChampipiBall (2001 - 2012)
Super street fighter II - the new challengers (1994)
(Windows - 6.6 Mo)
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